
  • Children Of Mother Cacao

    By Island Tribe Wellness

    Ceremonial Cacao & Our Journey with It... The Origins The Mayans viewed cacao as precious and vital as a seed of both life and Divinity. According to the Mayan creation myth, once the heavens and earth were created, the Gods cultivated plants and then animals. Because neither plants nor animals could pay them reverence the Gods went about creating humankind. First, the Gods tried to sculpt humans from mud, which resulted in soulless, sinful beings. Next, humans were hewn from wood, but they could not honor the Gods either. Finally, the Gods created humanity from a combination of elements sacred...

  • Our Healing Path of Cacao

    By Island Tribe Wellness

    Cacao Ceremony is the ultimate self-care and healing ritual. It helps with restoring self-love and clarity and enhancing your intuition. Let this path into your journey to experience freedom and your intrinsic bliss. Enter a sacred space that lets you off your regular frame of mind, allowing you to share new insights & perspectives.

  • Breathwork: How to Harness the Healing Power of the Breath

    By Island Tribe Wellness

    Breathwork approaches are healing modalities that see the breath as a tool of self-discovery, awareness, higher consciousness, emotional release, and personal growth.
  • Reiki in the Desert

    By Island Tribe Wellness

    Reiki is a safe healing practice for everyone, including children, and has extensive applications. It has been used to ease and alleviate many issues and complaints across the four bodies and provide support through pregnancy, chemotherapy treatment, grief, and physical and emotional trauma recovery. The ancient Japanese healing technique has been scientifically proven to reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue, ease depression, muscle tension, and insomnia, and boost mood and energy. 
  • Desert Retreat: Rebirth Breathwork

    By Island Tribe Wellness

    Our Rebirth Breathwork experience is a powerful transformational journey that uses breathing techniques and curated healing elements to help unblock tense emotional energy and invite self-healing.


Thank you for creating a safe space for me to let go of worries, which allowed me to open up to healing, joy, love and light. I feel lighter and am thankful for Ana and Angeline for guiding our group through our special cacao ceremony.


A lovely relaxing experience, I left with my spirit feeling lighter - very grateful.


“This is a perfect occasion for self care, transitions, renewal and or just to experience tranquility. The hosts were most generous and kind. What a beautiful way to spend the evening on the hottest day of the year in the desert. I am most grateful! Thank you!”